The people who make Buzz Durkin’s Uechi Karate School so special!

All of our instructors are students of Mr. Durkin who have received their black belt through our school. They understand what it is like to start out in the martial arts as a new student and strive to take care of the needs of all their students.

Buzz Durkin


Mr. Durkin began his study of Uechi Ryu karate in 1966. In March of 1974 Mr. Durkin opened his school and began teaching. Under his leadership the school has grown to be one of the largest and most successful traditional martial arts schools in the country, winning numerous national and international

Mr. Durkin has traveled to Asia many times to further his knowledge of Uechi style karate, including a Government sponsored trip to the People’s Republic of China. He currently holds the rank of tenth degree black belt and is a registered Hanshi or Master Instructor with the All Okinawan Karate Association. He is one of a select group of karate practitioners world wide to receive a special commendation for outstanding contributions to Uechi style karate. He is a charter inductee in the Uechi Ryu Hall of Fame, and a member of the World Martial Arts Federation Hall of Fame.

Mr. Durkin is considered one of the top instructors and consultants in the Martial Arts field today. He has been the keynote speaker at several national Martial Arts conventions and regularly addresses school owners, teachers and civic groups on the benefits of the Martial Arts. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the United States Martial Arts Association, which is the largest Martial Arts Association in the country.

Mr. Durkin is a Vietnam combat veteran who received both his Bachelor of Science degree and his M.B.A. from Boston College. He lives in Atkinson, NH with his wife of thirty-six years, Judy.

Staff at Buzz Durkin’s Uechi Karate School

Other Intructors at Buzz Durkin’s Uechi Karate School